Multi Layered Flatbread - Paratha Recipe

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I have done four ways of making this flatbread but then the memory card of my camera doesn't work, means all the step by step of the method was gone except the first one.

Multi-Layered Flatbread - Paratha Recipe

250g (2 cups) all-purpose flour
5g (1 tsp) salt

15ml (1 tbsp) melted butter/oil 
A little bit more than 125ml (1/2 cup) of warm water.
Add a little at a time while mixing. Adjusted.

Melted butter to smear on the dough 

I have done 4 ways but it is caused by a technical error so only one way is recorded.

  1.  In a bowl, add flour and salt,  mix. Add the oil, mix.
  2. Add water a little at a time until form together. Knead until smooth.
  3. Divide into 2 for large or 4 for medium. Form ball and cover to rest for 15 minutes.
  4. Coat the dough with flour, flatten and roll out into a thin circle. Mine about 20cm or 8 inches.
  5. Spread the surface with melted butter.  Cut the dough into strips. Collect into one. 
  6. Slightly stretched to lengthen. Brush with melted butter. Roll like a snail and hide the tip underneath. May rest the dough briefly to loosen up before spreading out.
  7. Flatten and roll out the dough, wider and thinner. Roll out without hard pressure to keep the layers.
  8. Cook on pan/griddle over medium-high heat. Spread the surface with melted butter/oil.
  9. Flip over and spread with butter/oil evenly.  Cook until golden brown on both sides.
  10. Serve with curry dish or enjoy as you like.
